Posts like this are why I subscribe to Church and Street. Thumbs up!

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Thank you Antonio 🙏🏾

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I love the analogy to sports in childhood to adolescence! It’s true, exposure to a variety of styles allows us to choose the right fit for us! For me, it’s landscape photography. Great post :)

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That’s awesome, thank you for sharing ✌🏾

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I do agree with spreading yourself across subjects because you learn and develop skills that can help in use on other subjects.

I mostly do street but that doesn’t mean I don’t take a camera when going past stunning landscapes or take photos when I’m hanging with friends and taking portraits for fun.

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It was nice of you to throw in that fun fact about yourself from university, the course you took sounds interesting and impactful!

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Thanks! I really should pull more anecdotes form those days, would be nice to put my education to *some* use 😅

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Thank you for your latest post and its a good reminder to keep my hobby a hobby :)

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Damn this one came at the right time for me personally. I’ve also found some enjoyment and enlightenment in participating in workshops from professionals whose work I admire, outside of the genre of photography I’d typically be drawn to. As a result, I find myself starting to lean in a different direction that feels a little more fulfilling.

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Always a pleasure gathering insight on your journey and then reflecting on my own. I appreciate you and your efforts to share.

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My pleasure 🙏🏾

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Oct 15, 2023
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